Pursuit of happiness

Today, like yesterday, we are happy when our needs and desires are fulfilled. So the pursuit of happiness has become connected to what might be termed as “selfish” behavior. The more we have the more content we are, the more we take the happier we will be. But is that so?

As a Muslim we know the fact that our Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the happiest man that had ever lived on earth. We know it for sure from the history of his noble life that is written in the Qur'an, or in the Hadeeth, or in books of tareekh written by the Islamic scholars.

How did our Prophet live his life?
Rasulullah ﷺ was known for his generosity even before Prophethood. When he received his first revelation, he rushed home shaken by the experience. Khadijah radiyallahu ‘anha, may Allah be pleased with her, reminded and relieved him by testifying, “Allah would never humiliate you, for you are good to your relatives, you are true to your word, you help those who are in need, you support the weak, you are generous to the guest and you answer the call of those who are in distress.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) https://islamqa.info/id/13488

So how do we comprehend the "happiness" when we realize that the happiest person on earth had lived his life with Generosity instead of "stinginess", and with giving instead of "taking"? It's not about the pleasure of owning or having things. It's a lot more than just taking. It's about giving.

So start being happy today by helping others especially the needy, relatives, and etc.


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