How much does $1 mean for you?

$1 might get you a can of coke in the US, a cone of ice cream in Croatia, or a sausage roll in Australia. But in developing countries, $1 goes further than that. For instance, in Indonesia, $40 could feed a family for a month, it means $1.5 per day!
That's very small amount compared to the US per capita expenditure a day. So you might want to try to have coke diet days and help many people with the dollars you've saved. It may only mean a sugar free days or a decrease in the risk of obesity to you, but for the needy, it would be a meaningful relief.
And as we've been taught, there's no insignificant deed in Islam

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.” Al-Bukhari

So, Small things aren't small at all in the Islamic point of view. In fact, it's bigger than you think.

Visit to find out more about the orphan relief program

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Join the campaign, invite our relatives and friends by sharing the information. The more orphans we help, the greater rewards we will get inshaallah.

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