
Showing posts from June, 2019


Alhamdulillah, All praises be to Allah for He has given us the ease to fast and make so many good deeds in the previous month. We hope as well that you've successfully passed through the blessed month with a bunch of reward and forgiveness from Allah. And amongst the characters of a good Muslim is to be worried about his deeds, whether they're accepted or not. Allah says in the Qur’an meaning, ❝And they who give what they give while their hearts are fearful because they will be returning to their Lord - It is those who hasten to good deeds, and they outstrip [others] therein. ❞ (Al-Mu'minoon: 60-61) Well, that's natural. You've struggled a lot, exhaust your energy, spent your time, and wealth to perform any kinds of worship you're obliged to. Surely you don't want those deeds become meaningless and you don't want to harvest nothing in return. So, is there any sign showing that our deeds are accepted or rejected? Hasan al-Bashri, a tabi'ee...

Clearance Sale

You may delay, but time will not . Praise be to Allah Who has created Time and has made certain times like months or days and nights more valuable than the others; that is when the rewards of every good deed are offered a manifold, as mercy & favor towards His slaves. Now, imagine yourself taking a brisk stroll through the mall and catch the holiday clearance sale. Crazy prices of your favourite stuff on shelves! You know for sure that it happens once in a blue moon. You also know that it lasts only for an hour when there is so many stuff you're craving to buy. What would you do then? Chances are, you won't ignore that sale, will you? You absolutely won't wait till tomorrow. You won't delay it even just for a second. Ramadan is much more treasured than that. There are too many virtues of this month that you would eagerly strive to gain, knowing the infinite blessings that Allah would offer to people who commit good deeds in Ramadan. You want to grasp them...


Gada yang salah dengan pencitraan. Semua orang melakukannya (wah pembenaran ini. Wkwk). Apalagi di era sosial media. Orang introvert pun bisa jadi lebih overshare ketimbang orang ekstrovert dalam poin ini. Yang suka digugat itu justru akun akun kaya saya gini. Akun pribadi (alias bukan akun dakwah) tapi isinya kebanyakan quote, tulisan nasehat, dan sebagainya. Ngalah-ngalahin akun dakwah, celetuk sebagian orang. Akun ini masih dan akan terus menjadi akun pribadi, guys, mau se-sok suci apapun konten2nya. Pun meski orang kenal watak asli saya dan tau tindak tanduk saya di luar dunia maya, tidak akan menyurutkan saya untuk tetap melakukan "pencitraan" seperti yang mereka labeli. Bukannya saya gamau upload foto normal seperti akun pribadi pada umumnya. Atau tampil apa adanya dengan dosa dan cela sebagaimana keniscayaan dan fitrah saya di dunia nyata sebagai manusia. Tapi saya hanya memikirkan dampaknya. Saya tau betul dan berpengalaman selama 23 tahun. Saya berani bers...