
Showing posts from September, 2018

Vantage point : Indonesia #1

Tulisan ini terinspirasi dari judul buku karya robert flaceliere yakni "Daily Life in Greece at the Time of Pericles". Begitu menarik dan tidak biasa. Sejarawan biasa menelusuri tentang peperangan, pergolakan, gerakan ideologis, atau mengungkap biografi pemeran yg muncul pada preistiwa-peristiwa penting di masa lalu. Tapi judul buku ini seakan2 hanya bercerita bagaimana seorang tokoh atau sebuah keluarga menjalani pagi hari yang cerah di athena, atau menu makan siang mereka, jenis2 hiburan, atau kehidupan religius para penduduk di suatu zaman keemasan, era pericles, alih alih menjanjikan hal hal di atas (kisah sengitnya pertarungan antar dua kubu, review senjata dan strategi perang, dsb). Judul tersebut menyadarkanku kalau sejarah itu tidak terbatas pada kejadian2 luar biasa saja..  tetapi mencakup seluruh peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau (termasuk merk kopi atau teh yang diminum oleh para pelakunya waktu itu). Ya, kisah dunia bukan hanya soal kudeta...

It does not decrease your wealth

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Indeed, according to a study in 2010 , Harvard Business School survey of happiness in 136 countries found that people who are altruistic—in this case, people who were generous financially, such as with charitable donations—were happiest overall. And in fact, we had never found someone became stressed or even frustrated and poor because of doing charity. ( Even The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, ❝Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives Allah adds to his respect, and the one who shows humility Allah elevates him in the estimation (of the people).❞ [Sahih Muslim]

Value of a piece of date

What is the value of a piece of date to you? For some people, a piece of date might only means 66.5 calories to fulfil their daily calorie need. But in Islam a piece of date is valued much more than that! How could it be? . The Messenger (ﷺ) said with regards to the charity that is given generally: .  فَاتَّقُوا النَّارَ وَلَوْ بِشِقِّ تَمْرَةٍ (‏رواه مسلم) . “And save yourselves from the hell fire even if it be with the piece of a date.” (Muslim) Meaning: giving it as a charity. it is a small charity but if it is given correctly with a good intention and a sincere heart for the sake of Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى), it could save the one who gives it from the hell-fire. . Indeed the giving of charity from ones pure wealth and from ones halāl earnings in the cause of Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى), is from the most excellent and the most virtuous of all the acts of worship. For indeed, just as there is ibādah of the limbs when you stand in prayer, or you help your mother with the ...