
Showing posts from February, 2020

Yes Problemo

Di era gadget seperti sekarang, mendapatkan informasi itu terlalu mudah. Saking mudahnya, kita mulai lupa caranya menghafal. Buat apa dihafal? Kalo lupa tinggal sercing aja. Kalo takut lupa tinggal difoto atau dicatat di notes hape. Pas butuh tinggal buka hapenya, jadi ga perlu nambah pikiran dengan ingatan yang tidak perlu. Begitu pikir kita. Atau begitu tidak berpikir kita. Karena bencana berikutnya, kita pun mulai lupa caranya berpikir. Coba kita ingat, kapan terakhir kali kita menghitung perkalian dan pengurangan tanpa menggunakan kalkulator? Bahkan kita membuat keputusan dan kesimpulan secepat kita menekan tombol “home” tatkala ingin keluar dari aplikasi di hape kita. Bisa bayangkan sebetapa kakunya otak manusia di zaman sekarang bila dibandingkan dengan otak manusia di era richard feynman?  Yang menjadikan situasi semakin celaka adalah pola kita dalam mengakses informasi. Kita mulai meninggalkan media cetak dan beralih ke media elektronik. Baca quran di hap...

The Currency of The Hereafter

As a Muslim, we surely believe in the Hereafter or Day of Judgment. We believe that our life in this world is only a temporary transit and Akhirah is the eternal Home. Paradise is the finish line for the believers and Hell is for the disbelievers. Everyone wants Paradise. But the journey to get there won't be easy as the Quran and hadith told us about. 'The Day of Judgment' posseses several names. Allah had named that day with more than 30 names in the Qur’an. One of them is Yawmul-Hisaab [the Day of Account] (Surah Saad 38:16). On that day, our deeds will be held accountable. “And the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminals fearful of that within it and they will say, "Oh, woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?" And they will find what they did present [before them]. And your Lord does injustice to no one.” (Al Kahfi: 49) People would regret all the bad things th...